
Privacy policy

I. Privacy statement International HR Sourcing Solutions BV

This privacy statement describes whether, in what manner(s) and for what purpose(s) International HR Sourcing Solutions BV processes your personal data. This privacy statement applies to all personal data that are processed by or on behalf of International HR Sourcing Solutions BV when you use our services, visit our website (sourcingsolutions.eu) or otherwise communicate or are in contact with us.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV is a controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) with regard to your personal data. This privacy statement informs you how we meet our responsibilities under the GDPR.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV collects personal data from you in the course of engaging into and providing our business services related to the trade agency services, or: if you otherwise contact us; if you are a job applicant; if you (work for) a supplier or other third party that International HR Sourcing Solutions BV has contact with. Furthermore, your personal data may be collected when you visit our website. The processing of personal data with respect to our website is described below under section II in our privacy statement concerning the website.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV processes the following personal data for the following purposes on the following legal grounds:

I. A. Clients:

  • contact information: name, address, job title, title, telephone and fax number, Chamber of Commerce registration number, VAT number, bank account number, website, e-mail address and other company and contact information;
  • communication: letters and e-mail messages with contact persons;
  • engagement information: information on the services provided to our clients and information regarding the matter;
  • billing information: information regarding the calculation and recording of fees and expenses;
  • other information: any other information, including date of birth, nationality, place of birth and gender.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV processes these personal data for the following purposes:

  1. to provide our trade agency services as specified in an agreement between IHRSS and its clients;
  2. to calculate or record fees or payments;
  3. to make payments or collect debts
  4. to perform audits or other checks; and/or
  5. to perform match-making for or between clients of IHRSS.

The legal ground for the processing of these personal data is:

  1. the necessity to perform the agreement with our clients;
  2. the necessity to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject to;
  3. the necessity to pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party, where these interests override the interests or the fundamental rights of the data subject.

I.B. Job applicants:

  • contact information: name, address, job title, title, telephone and fax number, Chamber of Commerce registration number, VAT number, bank account number, website, e-mail address and other company and contact information;
  • data that have been provided by the data subject, including date of birth, nationality, place of birth and gender, as well as data concerning education, past employers, or other data that are relevant to the fulfilment of the position;
  • any other data of which processing is required or necessary for the application of laws or regulations.

We process these personal data for the following purposes:

  1. to assess the suitability of the job applicant;
  2. for internal security purposes; and/or
  3. to implement or apply any law or regulation.

The legal ground for the processing of these personal data is:

  1. the necessity to perform the agreement (or pre-contractual arrangements) with the job applicant;
  2. the necessity to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject;
  3. the necessity to pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party, where these interests override the interests or the fundamental rights of the data subject.

I.C. Suppliers:

  • contact information: name, address, job title, title, telephone and fax number, Chamber of Commerce registration number, VAT number, bank account number, website, e-mail address and other company and contact information;
  • communication: letters and e-mail messages with contact persons;
  • service information: information on the services provided by our suppliers.

We process these personal data for the following purposes:

  1. to purchase goods and/or services;
  2. to keep accounts (of payments) and to make payments;
  3. to conduct (legal) proceedings;
  4. to perform audits or other checks; and/or
  5. to implement or apply any law or regulation.

The legal ground for the processing of these personal data is:

  1. the necessity to perform the agreement with our suppliers;
  2. the necessity to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject;
  3. the necessity to pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party, where these interests override the interests or the fundamental rights of the data subject.

I.D. Third parties:

  • contact information: name, address, job title, title, telephone and fax number, Chamber of Commerce registration number, VAT number, bank account number, website, e-mail address and other company and contact information;
  • communication: letters and e-mail messages from or addressed to third parties;
  • other information: data we receive from clients or third parties or from a public source for the purpose of dealing with a case.

We process these personal data for the following purposes:

  1. communication purposes, such as keeping in contact and informing about our services;
  2. internal management activities, such as keeping accounts (of payments) and making payments;
  3. offering and providing our trade agency services and match-making services to our clients;
  4. access control and security of our websites; and/or
  5. to implement or apply any law or regulation.

The legal ground for the processing of these personal data is:

  1. the necessity to perform the agreement with our suppliers;
  2. the necessity to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject;
  3. the necessity to pursue our legitimate interests or those of a third party, where these interests override the interests or the fundamental rights of the data subject.

When you use our services, we may share some of your personal data with third parties. This may be necessary, for example, to allow us to properly perform the agreement to which you are a party, or because we are subject to a statutory obligation to share your personal data. When we share your personal data with third parties who process personal data on our behalf (data processors), we shall ensure that your personal data are processed in accordance with the GDPR and the terms of this privacy statement through the data processing agreements we have concluded with these third parties.

Below, we shall explain, for each category of data subjects, with which third parties the personal data may be shared:


  • suppliers (such as external translation agencies, or other experts engaged in the course of our services);
  • parties involved in our services, such as but not limited to certification auditors (i.e. NEN, VCA), banks and tax authority with regard to G-account (nl: G-rekenining), collaborators and suppliers of IHRSS (International HR Sourcing Solutions BV), potential contracting parties;and/or
  • other third parties, if the data subject has given consent or if this sharing arises from a statutory provision.

Job applicants:

  • references that are mentioned in the job application letter or resume to verify the competences of a job applicant; and/or
  • other third parties, if the data subject has given consent or if this sharing arises from a statutory provision.


  • third parties, if the data subject has given consent or if this sharing arises from a statutory provision.

Third parties:

  • suppliers (such as external translation agencies, or other experts engaged in the course of our services);
  • parties involved in our services, such as but not limited to certification auditors (i.e. NEN, VCA), banks and tax authority with regard to G-account (nl: G-rekenining), collaborators and suppliers of IHRSS (International HR Sourcing Solutions BV), possible contracting parties;
  • other third parties, if the data subject has given consent or if this sharing arises from a statutory provision.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data under the GDPR, amongst others by using passwords, encryption and back-ups.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV shall retain your personal data in order to fulfil the purposes described in this privacy statement and to comply with legal obligations and retention periods. For example, in our accounting system certain personal data are required to be retained for a minimum of 7 years after the end of a tax year.

You may have the following rights under the GDPR as a data subject that you may exercise in the context of our processing of your personal data:

  • the right of information about the personal data we process about you;
  • the right to access your processed personal data;
  • the right to rectify your personal data;
  • the right to erase your personal data;
  • the right to restrict the processing of your personal data;
  • the right to transmit your personal data to another organization in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • the right to object to the processing of your personal data; and
  • the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, you may reach us by sending an email to contact@sourcingsolutions.eu or katarzyna@sourcingsolutions.eu; or calling +31 20 215 15 00. International HR Sourcing Solutions BV strives to respond within one or two working days. In order to properly identify you, we shall request you to send us a copy of your passport or other proof of your identity, in which your (passport) photo and citizen service number have been obscured. We shall delete this copy as soon as we have verified your identity. Please take into account that your rights are not absolute in all cases, for instance if the rights and freedoms of others are involved, and that we may not be required or allowed to comply with your request. If that is the case, we shall inform you about this. For more information about the protection of personal data, please contact us by sending an email to contact@sourcingsolutions.eu or katarzyna@sourcingsolutions.eu; or by calling +31 20 215 15 00. You can also check the website of the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. International HR Sourcing Solutions BV strives to respond within one or two working days. International HR Sourcing Solutions BV aims at resolving your issue. If you are the data subject you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

  1. Privacy statement for sourcingsolutions.eu

This privacy statement (Statement) is for the website www. sourcingsolutions.eu

The Statement explains what personal data is processed for this website, what purposes those data is collected for and how those data is used.

This Statement applies to all the information processed through the website.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV is responsible for its processing of personal data on the website.

The information processed for the website is solely used for the purpose of deriving statistics on the use of the website.

In order to do this, the following is processed: IP addresses, the visited webpages, which web address you came from and which web address you left to, as well as the browser used for, and the length of the visit.

International HR Sourcing Solutions BV relies on third parties to develop and host the Website and also to host and operate the statistical software.

In order to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data, International HR Sourcing Solutions BV keep in place appropriate security measures.

Should you wish to inspect, correct or remove your personal data, you International HR Sourcing Solutions BV by means of the contacts published on the Website, or for instance by sending an email to contact@sourcingsolutions.eu or katarzyna@sourcingsolutions.eu; or by calling +31 20 215 15 00. International HR Sourcing Solutions BV strives to respond within one or two working days.

sourcingsolutions.eu uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on the device with which you visit the Website when you visit sourcingsolutions.eu. These files and the information processed on the basis thereof are used exclusively used only for statistical purposes using the Google Analytics system and for marketing purposes. For the privacy policy of Google Analytics, you can visit this website In order to do this, the following is processed: IP addresses, the web pages visited, the web address you came from and where you left, as well as the browser used and the duration of your visit. You can change your cookie settings at any time via the appropriate menu in your web browser.