Join our Network! We have a solution for (temporary) staff shortage among Dutch companies that work with people and technology. We put such entrepreneurs in contact with renowned companies that can provide a team of experienced skilled professionals quickly and in accordance with legislation and local regulations.
Our mission: We see it as our task to unburden entrepreneurs when they are expecting problems in the implementation of the production process for which they are responsible. We introduce such entrepreneurs to companies that assemble a team of professionals who can provide temporary support. We coordinate the cooperation between Dutch entrepreneur and the (sub) contractor’s team leaders and we arrange all necessary and country-specific formalities.
Our vision: We are convinced that direct contact between the entrepreneur (client) and the (sub) contractor works best. Together they make clear and feasible tailor-made work agreements and us, we provide support where necessary. We guarantee optimal support for the production process in accordance with national laws and regulations. We safeguard the principle of equal pay that prevents illegal exploitation of labour.
We offer personnel solutions in:
The companies and (sub) contractors we work with guarantee that they comply with all regulations in force at the location where your business activities take place. The contractor we put you in contact with meets the legal criteria that apply in the Netherlands.
- registration of employees in the municipality hall
- BSN number
- paying income tax advanced payments
- payment of social security premium in the country of origin (A1)
Our partners have years of experience in their field. They are in possession of NEN440-2 certificate and they are VCA certified.
Team leaders you will be dealing with speak at least English and / or German.
If you are looking for contractors who can help you quickly with their experienced staff, please let us know by filling in the form below. We supply teams of at least five employees.
Join our network
We cooperate with the trusted network of suppliers and contractors and we only work with companies that adhere to international and local rules on tax, employment law and employment conditions.
We are always looking for potential suppliers and contractors who meet the above-mentioned criteria and who can provide qualified and experienced personnel that can quickly start working in IT, the metal industry, electrical engineering, the agriculture and food sector, construction, logistics and (medical) care.
In the event of a successful match between supply and demand, the supplier (contractor) pays a predetermined commission amount to Sourcing Solutions.
Would you like to be part of our network, or would you like more information about a possible collaboration, please let us know by filling in the form below.
How it work
Vist u achter het net?
Met het protocol ‘Samen Veilig Werken’ dat het Rijk heeft opgesteld in samenspraak met de bouw- en technieksector kan het werk ondanks de coronacrisis toch doorgaan. Maar de onzekerheid blijft en de behoefte aan flexibele krachten is groot. En iedereen lijkt in dezelfde vijver te vissen.
Wat zijn de ‘krapteberoepen’ op dit moment?
De werkloosheid stijgt als gevolg van de coronacrisis. Toch zijn er nog altijd beroepen waar veel vraag naar is. In dit bericht vindt u de top tien van zogenoemde ‘krapteberoepen’. Heeft u moeite met het vinden van geschikt personeel? Wij helpen u graag!
Handen te kort in de bouw?
Dreigt uw bouwproject vertraging op te lopen door een tekort aan betonwerkers, timmerlieden of metselaars? Heeft u geen idee hoe u snel in contact komt met goede vakmensen? Wij mobiliseren voor u direct een team van 5 tot 20 gekwalificeerde bouwmedewerkers.
Blijf zitten waar je zit…
… en verroer je niet. Dat is wat er nu zo’n beetje gebeurt op de arbeidsmarkt. Mensen met een vaste baan blijven als het even kan zitten waar ze zitten. Ondanks de stijgende werkloosheid kunnen veel bedrijven geen goed personeel vinden.
Personeelsmanagement in tijden van corona
Eind februari, toen we nog aan het skiën waren en veel mensen carnaval vierden, ging Europa een nieuw tijdperk in. Niemand wist toen hoeveel veranderingen er zouden gaan plaatsvinden. Niemand wist dat de veranderingen elk land en elke economie zouden raken.